A very simple comment box with 2 inputs for Name and Email Address as well as a text area input for the comment field with placeholders in each field. The comment text area has a character limit of 140 that will turn red when exceeded, as well as a required attribute in all fields. On submit, comments are displayed below and persist when a new comment is added.
A single page portfolio with tab navigation and dynamic content. When navigating, panels are displayed on the left containing information for each project. This is my second attempt at a portfolio page, this time around I aimed to make the page more dynamic by repositioning elements and by utilising a variety of animations.
A reaction time-based game with each rounding lasting 30 seconds. The goal is to click as many targets within the allotted time while the targets randomly resize and reposition, with a bonus accumulator for streaks. On the right is a panel that display the time remaining, the current score, current streak high score.